Thursday, 31 October 2013

Posh Eggs

Здравствуйте! (zdrah stvooy tyeh!)

Eggs. They're not pricey, extremely accessible and they taste so good! The reason why we buy eggs it's because we eat them, right? How would you feel if I told you that the world's most precious eggs is in fact inedible?

As a matter of fact the world's most expensive eggs are the total opposite of our daily eggs. They're VERY expensive, not accessible (you can't even buy one in a shop or online) and if you try eating one, you might end up in the hospital. 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Water Strong Liquid Liner by Browlash Ex

My daily mirror reflection when I first started wearing eyeliner.

So my eyeliner adventure started when I was around 18/19 years old. I know, I was a late bloomer. lol 
For a long time, I wasn't used to wearing make-up. It felt really uncomfortable. Most of the time I even forgot I had make-up on, so I would rub my eyes subconsciously during the day - bad habit. 

Friday, 25 October 2013

The Big Breakout. How To Get Rid Of Spots!

Breakouts are one of the most hideous things in the world. These bad boys can really push down your self-esteem. I had severe breakouts it the past but thank GOD I found a really effective cure for it. I know many people suffers from severe acne breakouts so I decided to make a mini youtube video on my cure. Hopefully this will help you say farewell to your blemishes! 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

If You Don't Try You Will Never Know

One of my OOTDs during the summer.

I must say 2013 has been a year filled with lots of new adventures for me. Like many people, I have had many fashion crises. It's not easy staring at the wardrobe in the morning and not say "I have nothing to wear!". LOL

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