Wednesday, 31 December 2014

A Bowl of Congee on New Year's Eve

It's a congee night.

It’s the last day of 2014, and I caught a cold. I feel like a blob of germ right now. :( *sniffles*

Another year literally flew by AGAIN. Seriously, what happened to the clock? Ever since I came here, time keeps zooming past me. There’s always so much to do but I never seem to have enough time. Perhaps I need to be more efficient with my time..hmm.

I actually thought I would be out this new year's eve, counting down to 2015 with friends. Nevertheless it will be a homey (with a bowl of congee) new year's eve instead this year. :)

I might come up with a random new year's resolution tomorrow. Honestly, I can't even remember the resolutions I made for 2014. Or did I not make any? Oh dear... I actually can't remember. My head is so blocked up right now.

Has anyone made any new year's resolutions? 

Anyway, time to snuggle up in the duvet. 


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Towards the End of 2014

Drink of the month: Christmas cookie latte~ yummy!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! It's almost the end of another great year! With 2014 waving goodbye to me, I do have a few things to reflect on. (I am listening to Enya singing as the credits for Lord of the Rings are showing. The music is making me slightly 

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

A Super Full Weekend

Wow Christmas is almost here! Only 2 more day to go! *jumps around in excitement*

Christmas dinner is the best yet most difficult meal to cook. Preparing and cooking the food can take hours, literally. Not to mention the aftermath of the kitchen. 

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

A Short December Post

OOTD: Stripy jumper from H&M and leggings from Primark.

It feels so surreal that we are in the month of December. Did someone press the fast forward button for 2014? (Lol) I seriously need to be more active with this blog. I looked at my last post and it was posted more than a month ago?! Oh dear...
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